Cleaning the Beaches: Hundreds of Volunteers and Divers Cleaned Herzliya’s Beaches

Hundreds of volunteers from all over the country came to the beaches of Herzliya on Friday (September 20, 2019) for a wide-ranging campaign to clean the beaches and to make sure that the ocean water is clear and the beaches are clean.

Tens of divers joined the volunteers in an underwater cleanup campaign to clean the garbage that accumulated in the depths of the sea. 

The campaign, conducted at the initiative of the Herzliya Municipal Tourism Development Corporation Ltd., the Herzliya municipality and Zalul Environmental Association, began on the Acadia beach in the presence of the mayor, Moshe Fadlon, and deputy mayor and Chairperson of the Marina, Ofra Bell. From there the volunteers began the garbage collection and cleaning project on the beaches of Herzliya. 

“We are proud of the campaign’s success and the significant amount of garbage the volunteers were able to clean. The city of Herzliya will continue to be at the forefront of environmental activity and will place the topic at the top of its agenda”, said Ofra Bell.